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Robaxin generic ). For those who prefer a placebo because it makes easier to take a larger dose (which, by the way, may not have any actual clinical benefits in this study), there is a version that combines paroxetine and clomipramine. But even these paroxetine/clomipramine dosages are not very far off from what we were previously getting from the original SSRI (with exception of an increased maximum dose 150 mg to mg, which is common knowledge in the psychiatric community). I hope this clarifies things for anyone who is worried about SSRIs. Disclaimer: I do not condone or support the use of psychotropic drugs in children and adolescents. [1] Efficacy studies are useful to determine the optimal dosages that are safe and effective, but they may not be the best predictors of their long-term efficacy, even over use. For example, children receiving doses of paroxetine greater than 8 mg/day showed no significant improvements in ADHD symptoms as Robaxin 500mg $37.85 - $0.63 Per pill measured with the Clinical Global Impressions and Hyperactivity scales, but an increased percentage of children were able to remain in grade and on ADHD medication as measured by the Children's Behavior Rating Scale. [2] The studies used doses that have been studied (or at least in some preliminary form of investigation) for various purposes. example, paroxetine was studied at a level that has been shown to be effective in bipolar depression the 1990s, but was recently shown to exhibit e